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Make Your Own Field Guide in the Classroom

Looking for a way to use nature journaling in your classroom? How about making a field guide for your campus or a nearby nature area?

Lesson plan from Wild Wonder Foundation: https://www.wildwonder.org/activity-collection-or-field-guide

Example field guide instructions for students: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gnnc69I2UUEuMb9XZGgXsQLD7PN3G9OD9RoRt-lMlm4/edit?usp=sharing (note: to make edits for use in your own classroom, go to “File” and then “Make a Copy”. Save the copy on your drive, and then you can edit your new copy to match your needs.)

Video from the NJEF with teacher Rachael Robbins discussing how she used field guides in her classroom:

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