Learning About Birds in Hawai’i
This is a small collection of online resources to learn about Hawaii’s birds. Be sure to check out all the posts on this site organized with the “birds” tag!
Forestry and Wildlife Education: https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dofaw/education/#posters
Hawai’i specific environmental education resources including a learning guide to the nene, forest birds, plus free posters and stickers you can order for your classroom. There are also virtual field trips, native bird and plant themed crafts, and games.
Hawai’i Birding Trails: https://hawaiibirdingtrails.hawaii.gov/
The State of Hawai’i website with links to birding locations and information about the birds you can find there.
Three Mountain Alliance: https://threemountainalliance.org/learning-activity-guides/
Learning guides: in ʻōlelo Hawai’i and English! Bird parts and bird identification. Also has lessons for learning about Hawaiian plants and ecosystems.
The Hawaii Wildlife Center: https://www.hawaiiwildlifecenter.org/
The center rescues native wildlife of Hawaii, and their website is a treasure trove of information about the birds and their rehabilitation.
Be sure to check out the arts and crafts on their activities page: https://www.hawaiiwildlifecenter.org/activities.html
They also have an adorable and hilarious Facebook page with photos and information about the birds that come to their center: https://www.facebook.com/hawaiiwildlifecenter/
Hawaiian Forest: https://hawaiianforest.com/wp/category/birds/
Photos and stories from all parts of Hawaii’i from the late, great, Nate Yuen. Wonderful resource.
Hawaii Nature Journal: https://hawaiinaturejournal.weebly.com/
Information and photos of Hawaiian birds, as well as many other plants, insects, and marine animals.
My Birding Journey: https://www.mybirdingjourney.com/
Birding stories and photos of native and introduced birds.
Hawaii Audubon Society: https://hiaudubon.org/
Publishes the ‘Elepaio newsletter with stories and the latest bird research.
Pacific Rim Conservation: https://pacificrimconservation.org/image-galleries/
Hawaii Birds Past Present: https://www.birdshawaiipastpresent.com/
Lyon Arboretum: https://manoa.hawaii.edu/lyon/education/teacher-and-student-resources/
Learning resources for all ages.
Two bird specific lessons: Observation challenges: https://manoa.hawaii.edu/lyon/education/teacher-and-student-resources/observation-challenges/
and Comparing Birds: https://www.hawaii.edu/gk-12/evolution/pdfs/activities.at.lyon.arboretum.pdf
Sounds Hawaiian: https://www.soundshawaiian.com/
Listen to the calls of different native birds and their ecosystems.
Manu Minute: https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/podcast/manu-minute#stream/0
One minute of a bird call and information about the birds.
A playlist of songs for the birds: https://www.youtube.com/
Listen to the mele with accompanying kiʻi (pictures) of our manu and their kiaʻi (protectors).
Social Media Accounts to Follow
Social media that’s both birds, plants, and other animals