What is tidepooling? Tidepooling, or exploring tidepools, is a fun way to learn about the ocean. Since it’s done from…
What is tidepooling? Tidepooling, or exploring tidepools, is a fun way to learn about the ocean. Since it’s done from…
E nānā i luna. Look up. What do you see? Clouds? A rainbow? The moon? Stars? Can you name what…
Each island in old Hawai’i was organized by districts called moku, which were then divided into in numerous ahupua’a. These…
Waihona.net is a rich, wonderful resource full of lesson plans, worksheets, unit plans, and images for learning and teaching in…
How do you get tweens and teens to write poetry? Send them outdoors with this self-explanatory worksheet! Example Poems by…
I taught my very first nature journal lesson to a third grade class over zoom in 2021, using a project…
I made a video on how to draw a palila (Loxioides bailleui), a critically endangered bird found only on the…
2024 is Ka Makahiki o Nā Manu Nahele: The Year of the Forest Birds, a time to celebrate the jewels…
This is a small collection of online resources to learn about Hawaii’s birds. Be sure to check out all the…
The Wild Wonder Foundation is dedicated to encouraging nature connection and conservation through attention, curiosity, art, science, and community. Their…