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The Moon — Ka Mahina

The moon has captured human imagination for a very long time. Its prominent and ever-changing presence guided the creation of calendars and celebrations, and inspired stories, art, and music. By nature journaling about the moon, you can connect with this shared history, observe its phases, and explore its impact on the natural world. It’s a meaningful way to honor its timeless role in our lives.

How to draw or paint the moon

For a more in-depth video: https://johnmuirlaws.com/how-to-draw-the-moon-international-moon-night/

Video about illustrating the lunar eclipse: https://johnmuirlaws.com/sheer-lunacy/

Moon Cycles — Kaulana Mahina

Monthly and seasonal cycles of the moon impact the weather, tides, and dictate the spawning habits of fish and coral. What else do you notice that changes throughout the month and the year?

Today’s moon phase (so you can include it in your journal!): https://apps.ksbe.edu/mooncalendar/

A beautiful, detailed video showing of all the moon phases of 2025: https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/2025-moon-phases-libration-4k-nasa-goddard-visualization

Also check out this interactive website: Moon Visualizer

Printable lunar calendars with information about the importance of knowing the moon phases: https://www.hawaii.edu/climate-data-portal/hawaiian-lunar-calendar/

Other sites with descriptions of the names and meanings of all the moon phases:

Learn the Hawaiian phases of the moon with a song and handgame below:

You may have heard that the moon affects the tides. But it never really made sense until I saw this dance! Such a memorable way to understand the relationship.

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